He Wei @Meccaniche della meraviglia

MO.CA Makers Hub
from 16-03-2019 18:30
to 01-05-2019 18:00

Meccaniche della Meraviglia 13th edition - 2019 -March, 16  @Mo.Ca Brescia

We are proud to be involved again in Meccaniche della Meraviglia, for its 13th edition, inviting the artist He Wei.

Working on his previous exhibition, last year, we had the chance to visit together the museum Mo.Ca., the Tosio Martinengo Gallery, the Santa Giulia Museum, the Leonesia Foundation and many other topic places in Brescia, with the purpose of giving the artist the opportunity to be inspired by its cultural heritage.

He Wei currently presents a series of brand new works, including a triptych conceived in Brescia and painted just for Meccaniche della Meraviglia ed. 13.

Primo Marella Gallery
Primae Noctis - Art Gallery
Studio Legale Cugini